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April 9, 2012


To whom it may concern:

It is my pleasure to write this letter on behalf of Alyssa Pfluger.  Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of Alyssa’s participation in both my Leadership and Fundamentals of Speech Communication courses.  Through these experiences, I can confidently state that Alyssa demonstrates superior communication and leadership skills that are unmatched by her peers.


First and foremost, Alyssa is an articulate, intelligent communicator.  As demonstrated by the multiple presentations she gave in both my classes, Alyssa has developed tremendous skills in both message construction and delivery.  In terms of message, Alyssa knows how to develop a personable message while solidly and ethically supporting her views with credible research.  In my Leadership class, she not only accurately conveyed principles of effective leadership in her presentations, but backed them up with personal examples that not only bolstered our understanding of the lesson but enhanced her personal credibility.  In my Speech Fundamentals course, she knows how to clearly yet creatively guide her listeners through her ideas with clear signposting and artful language.  Additionally, Alyssa is a confident performer.  She no doubt draws extensively from her stage experience, yet never does she feel like she’s playing a character when delivering a speech.  She is always genuine and forthright in character, a quality that is rare to see with her peers in a basic Speech classroom.


This commitment to academic excellence was also evident in my Leadership course, where Alyssa shined as both a servant leader and as an embodiment of referent power.  Through in-class exercises and group assignments, I observed Alyssa’s skill to serve her fellow group members with caring and dedication, thus elevating her status as a leader in multiple situations.  She knows the importance of both leading by example and empowering others to do their best for the benefit of the group.  She also has the skill to ensure that all within her group shine and none are left in the background.  I admire her ability to inspire others to reach their potential.  This is a direct result of her referent power.  Alyssa’s positive attitude and dedication to task are infectious with those with whom she associates.


In total, I am confident that Alyssa will be a dedicated, impactful, and promising leader in whatever avenues she decides to travel in life.  Her superior communication skills and dedication to servant leadership will certainly propel her forward.  Should I be of any more benefit in providing information about Alyssa, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone (630-942-2514) or e-mail (


Stephen P. Schroeder

Professor, Speech Communication

Co-Advisor, Phi Theta Kappa, Phi Beta Chapter

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