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March 24, 2016


To whom it may concern:


I am writing this letter as a general statement of support and recommendation on behalf of Ms. Alyssa Pfluger.


Ms. Pfluger was a student in my Financial Accounting (ACC 205) course in the spring 2014 semester. This is the introductory financial accounting course in the College of Business. It is required of all business majors and minors and introduces the concepts and standards that underlie financial accounting systems. It is a rigorous and demanding course and students find it very challenging. In the eight years in which I have been teaching this course at Valparaiso, 16% (97/603) of my students have earned the letter grade of ‘A’. The modal grade in the class is a ‘C’. Alyssa earned an ‘A’ in this course.


Alyssa’s work in my class was exemplary. Alyssa is the type of student that faculty wish were the norm rather than the exception. Most non-accounting students dread this course because they have absolutely no interest in accounting. Although Alyssa was not an accounting major, she had a genuine interest in the subject matter and responded to the challenge of the course by treating the course as if it was her major. She was always prepared and when I called on her in class, I knew that I was going to receive a well-thought-out response.  It was a pleasure to have her as a student in my course.


On a personal level, Alyssa is a mature and confident young woman. She embodies all the attributes that faculty value in their students – driven, energetic, hardworking, personable, and self-assured. Alyssa will bring the same level of dedication and enthusiasm to a professional career upon graduation. She will be an attractive candidate in any number of professional fields and I unhesitatingly recommend her to any potential employer.


If I can provide any additional information, please contact me.


Professor Marc J. LeClere  Ph.D.  CPA

Associate Professor
College of Business
209 Urschel Hall
Valparaiso University
Valparaiso, IN  46383
219-464-5158 (W)
574-360-3373 (C)

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